What Lies Beneath

We went for a stroll around the local park
Past bunnies and trees—caught in a maze.
Wandering through the desert for treasure—
To discover that it was buried at home.


Fresh flowers in the morning rain—
Sickly moans throughout the night.
Leaves turning toward the light—
Some scenes are better left unseen.

Filling Space

I’m happy for today
To make a mistake—
Pick up the fragments
And walk away.


After thirty-nine years of work
He clocks-out for the last time.
Family and friends gather round
Eating, drinking – jokes abound


She walked out the door
of the boba store

University Preacher

Billy Sunday stood in the middle of campus
Holding a huge sign, to scare the sinners

Sun in the Shade

I drive along a dark boulevard
Staring at abandoned cars and
Vacant stores that I used to know
The streetlight is on its final glow

Close Encounters

My first love was video games
I killed many dragons and boars
Chased after a perfect Princess


Einstein said Biology would be the science of the Twenty-First Century, but the interest in Aliens and Anthropology, far outweigh the prior.