Can’t Compute
If life is meaningless, why bother with opinions?
If we don’t care about life, why worry about death?
If life is meaningless, why bother with opinions?
If we don’t care about life, why worry about death?
Soaring through the sky, past the home
In the clouds, that I said would be sweeter
Than a fresh box of See’s chocolates
And warmer than a pine-filled stove.
What to do while trapped in a zoo? When there’s a companion, undoubtedly, we screw. But what else is there while trapped in a cage?
Every day is roughly the same:
“Stop asking questions about the meal I’m preparing!”
“Who are you to criticize what is right?”
“Watch the news! Stay informed!”
“Did you see . . . ? That was hilarious.”
Atheists laugh at the idea of sin
As they lie to their friends,
And steal to fuel their addictions:
Wolves plotting in the night;
Dark clouds before the rain
A chill creeps through the air
After the first drops fall,
A fresh scent follows
People tell me to write about hope.
“This isn’t the time for dark thoughts.”
Fine, so be it. I see the light everyday
And when I walk in the yard,—I smile:
My wife and I got engaged yesterday at Half Moon Bay. We were walking along the Wavecrest Cliffs; staring at the various birds, which were surfing in the cloudy blue sky.
If we don’t read deeply, our wits will wilt:
A pedal drops every day that pages lie in wait.
Atrophy is the apogee of all organic life
Run and flee, happily, from the doctor’s knife
I’m grateful for Nature’s beauty
But, when I dream, I create anew:
Flowers and trees unlike anything